By Caroline and Nick Pope
BING & GRONDAHL FIGURIrerBy Caroline and Nick Pope ( Schiffer Books for Collectors 2002)
More than 700 animal and human figurines are shown, along with date marks, shop signs, plates, dishes, bowls and vases. Approximately 1,000 Bing & Grondahl figurines have been identified and described. The figurines are catalogued in numerical order with identification of the sculptor, size, price and a guide to rarity. The text provides a brief history of the firm, explains the company's marks, and includes a bibliography. Values are found in the captions. Bog og B&G Figurer
Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
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Fuglsangsgade 4
9550 Mariager
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Art, Antique & Design association
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Large selection of Danish porcelain & stoneware: tableware and figurines from Dahl Jensen, Bing and Grondahl, Royal Copenhagen, Quistgaard, Holmegaard and Lyngby