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Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel

Mogens Balle, 1921-88, oil on canvas. Signed. Visible size: 60x73cm. With frame: 70x83cm


Mogens Balle, 1921-88, oil on canvas
Visible size: 60x73cm. With frame: 70x83cm
Item number: 34850A

Shipped insured and free of charge throughout Denmark

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Jens Søndergaard: "Burning House", Signed and dat

Danish stone axe,
North Schleswig

Danish stone axe, North Schleswig

J. F. Willumsen, 1863-1958, watercolor. Signed 
Vordingborg 1895. Visible size: 13x20cm. With 
frame: 27x34cm

J. F. Willumsen, 1863-1958, watercolor. Signed Vo

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Faience dish from the manufacture Kastrup at Cope


Aabenraa Antikvitetshandel Nørreport 16 DK - 6200 Aabenraa
Cell: +45 40 83 55 83




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